
Do you want to learn Parkour and Freerunning? Here is the most complete list of all Parkour and Freerunning moves you will ever find.

With demonstrations and tutorial videos for each move. Sorted by Category, and Level, in many different Languages.

Warmup, Stretching and Conditioning

For all levels:

Vaults (ways to get across an obstacle)

Jumps and drops (jumping, dropping)

Rolls (rolling)

Flips (summersaults)

Spins and Twists (combining moves with spinning / twisting)

Kicks (kicking)

Level 1: Beginners

    Level 2: Intermediate

    Level 3: Advanced

    Level 4: Pro

      Setups (Leading up to doing a move)

      Level 3: Advanced

      Level 4: Pro

        Other moves and tricks

        Level 3: Advanced

        Level 4: Pro

          Things you can do on Bars

          Things you can do on High Walls

          Things you can do on Rails

          Things you can do on Low Walls

          Things you can do on Trees

          Level 1: Beginners

          Level 2: Intermediate

          Level 3: Advanced

            Level 4: Pro

              Tutorial Videos by Pkfr.World Reps

              Remember, these parkour, freerunning and tricking tutorials are just examples. It’s all about moving the way you like to move, creating your own style and flow.

              If you feel anything should be added to this page, or corrected, please contact one of our admins in our Facebook group or on Instagram.

              Do you want your phone or computer display do a barrel roll?

              Search for Do a Barrel Roll on Google, and be surprised 🤣